
Research Center for DEsigning
Social Innovation in Global Network

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Future scenario

Set your experiences and skills in view and apply them as currency

The spread of big data allows us to quantify and make visible our individual experiences and skills, which can be used as exchangeable goods in the market. Our individuality is recognized, respected, and valued, ensuring that each of us is the “right man or woman in the right place.” High value is assigned to the enhancement of human qualities from an early age.

Until now
Money is exchanged for goods and services
In the future
Individual experiences, skills, and qualities are exchanged for goods and services

Technological and societal challenges

  • With the spread of big data comes the challenge of managing and sharing the lifelogs of all human beings. To protect the privacy of individuals, impenetrable information security measures must be implemented.

Expected role of universities

  • Universities will take on the role of exchange hubs where people from all generations can discuss, trade, and experience various skills.