
Research Center for DEsigning
Social Innovation in Global Network

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F u t u r e   s c e n a r i o s

Since its establishment, DLab has hosted numerous workshops with diverse members from industry, government, academia, and the private sector to brainstorm the future we all want. As a result, DLab created 24 future scenarios that depict a better future as envisioned by the public.
During the scenario creation process, ideas from the DLab kickoff event were combined with research plans created by Tokyo Tech researchers in 2017 and future forecasts by companies and public institutions.
The future scenarios that make up DLab’s 2020 image of future society are marked with a Vision2020 stamp.






DLab’s future scenarios and their accompanying descriptions were created for use under appropriate circumstances. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of the scenarios or any content, text, images, etc. on this site is strictly prohibited. Future research activities conducted to realize the scenarios created by DLab must comply with Tokyo Tech’s Research Policy (Japanese).